Death of death, and hell's destruction,

Land me safe on Canaan's side.


All services are age integrated.

Sunday School

Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM, offering an enriching time of learning and fellowship for all ages.

Sunday Morning

Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 AM, encompassing a time of prayer, song, sacrament, and Word.

Sunday Evening

Our Sunday evening service begins at 5:30 PM, providing a time of prayer, song, and teaching.

Wednesday Evening

Our Wednesday evening service begins at 6:30 PM, where we gather to read, pray, and sing the Psalms.

About Our Church

Eastside Baptist Church holds to the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession. We are a local baptistic church where individuals and families assemble on specific days together to sing praise to God, to repent of personal and corporate sins, for the public reading of Scripture, to hear the exposition of Scripture, to pray, to make disciples, to teach disciples to obey Christ, to fellowship with and equip believers, the baptism of disciples, and covenant renewal at the Lord’s Table. We also gather mid-week to purposefully read, pray, and sing the Psalms. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit we work to advance the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by evangelism, church planting, and shared missionary efforts to the ends of the earth.